Whether they’re 10 weeks old or 5 years old, dropping your child off for their first day of daycare or preschool can be hard for both you and your child. Below are a few tips to make your first day at Precious Memories Preschool of Sandy Hollow PreSchool of Sandy Hollow a little smoother.

Before Your First Day:

  • Schedule a visit to Precious Memories Preschool of Sandy Hollow PreSchool of Sandy Hollow with your child and introduce them to their teachers and new classroom. Give yourself time to get to know their teachers and ask any questions you have.
  • Start your new routine early. Give yourself and child time to adjust to a new bedtime and/or wake time and morning routine.
  • Introduce a bottle a few weeks in advance if your baby is breastfed.
  • If your child is older start talking to them about what they can expect. 
  • Think about getting your schild some new clothes or backpack to get them excited.

On Your First Day:

  • Allow for more time at drop off. Take as long as you need in the classroom with your child. Help them get acclimated and introduce them to their new surroundings. This is a great time to establish a drop off routine — check them in, put their things in their cubby, wash hands and get them settled in.
  • Try to keep goodbyes short and sweet. Validate your child’s feelings and reassure them you’ll be back. Sneaking away without saying goodbye can make it harder for your child once they realize you’re gone, so try to say goodbye. 

After the first day:

  • At pick up time spend a few minutes with your child’s teacher to learn about their day. If you have an older child, ask them what their favorite part of their day was.
  • First days can be exhausting! Go easy on them during their first week as they transition to their new routine maybe more downtime than usual.
  • Allow for extra bonding time with your child, especially if it’s your child’s first time being away from you for an extended time.

At Precious Memories Preschool of Sandy Hollow PreSchool of Sandy Hollow, we offer a special place for children to not only grow and develop along the way, but a place for them to CELEBRATE each and every step. If you are interested in enrolling your child in our program please fill out the form on this page or call us at 860.572.9958

child’s first day at daycare, first day of daycare