Tuition Rates

Infant, Pre-Toddler, Toddler, Intro to Preschool, & Preschool 1 & 2 $74 per day

Preschool 3, & all Pre-K Classrooms $72 per day

Tuition Policy

  • A one-time registration fee of $40.00 is required to secure a spot with the center.
  • Tuition is due and payable the Monday of the week the child attends the center.
  • If tuition is not received by 6:00 pm on Friday a $15.00 late fee will be charged. If your tuition is not current by the following Friday at 6:00 pm your child’s spot will be lost and you will not be able to return to the center the following week.
  • The school closes at 6:00 pm. There will be a $2.00 fee for every minute your child is picked up after closing time. The Director has the discretion to waive this under certain unavoidable circumstances.
  • Although we do accept Care4Kids, it is the parent’s responsibility to initiate the process and update Care4Kids with any changes. The parent will be responsible for paying the tuition in full until the first payment from Care4Kids is received. A late fee will also be applied if weekly parent portions are not paid.
  • No reduction in tuition is made for illness, vacations, holidays, center closings, inclement weather, or other withdrawals. PMP of Sandy Hollow will be closed on the following dates and/or times: Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve (close at 1pm), Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve (close at 1pm), New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, and Fourth of July.
  • We cannot allow for make-up days or switching of scheduled days. You may add days if needed. Please check with Administration for availability.
  • A two-week notice must be submitted in writing prior to your child’s withdrawal from the center. No exceptions.

Termination Policy

  • Precious Memories Preschool of Sandy Hollow has the right to terminate a child from the center. This decision is at the discretion of the director. The reasons for termination include, but not limited to:
  • Lack of tuition payment.
  • Lack of current physical & immunization record per state mandate
  • Lack of adherence to center policies.
  • PMP of Sandy Hollow operations rely on healthy family trust. Breakdown of this trust and/or failure to maintain a professional relationship.
  • Should any member of our staff feel threatened or spoken to in a harsh/angry manner, it will be cause for immediate termination of the child/family from the center. It is important that every member of our team feel calm and mindful for the health and well-being of the children at all times. As you can imagine, this becomes difficult when a level of mutual respect and rational communication has been breached.

Late Pick Up Policy

Two staff members 18 years of age or older will remain at the program with the child at all times. If the child has not been picked up by 6pm (school closing) a staff member will attempt to call the child’s parents/guardians using the numbers provided. If they cannot be reached, the staff member will attempt to call the emergency and authorized, alternate adults provided by the parent/ guardians at the time of enrollment. The police will be called after 30 minutes if parents or other adults specified on the permission to release forms cannot be reached. At that time the child may be released to the police.

**See tuition policy regarding late pick up fee’s.