Involving your children in holiday prep has several advantages on many levels. Due to the holiday season being so overwhelming for moms, you might be able to relax a little more by involving your children in the preparation and planning in addition to doing the celebration.
If you have a special surprise or tradition that you like to do for your kids, you might want to start involving them in things that don’t have to be done only by mom. If you do, you’ll benefit yourself and your kids in the following ways:
Ways to include children in holiday prep:
- Have them help clean for guests.
- They can help prepare dishes in advance.
- Have them help set the table, or make table decorations, and decorate the house.
- They can help prepare food on the day of the party.
- If you have older kids then utilize them and have them keep younger kids occupied while adults are working on holiday preparations.
- Allow the kids to plan seasonal activities to do on the day.
- Kids can also decide when to do certain family holiday traditions.
At Precious Memories Preschool of Sandy Hollow PreSchool of Sandy Hollow, we offer a special place for children to not only grow and develop along the way, but a place for them to CELEBRATE each and every step. If you are interested in enrolling your child in our program please fill out the form on this page or call us at 860.572.9958