In order to assist in germ control, we must strictly enforce a sick policy.
** A sick child must be picked up within 30 minutes of being notified, please communicate to admin if it will take you longer **
- In the event that a child has a fever of 100° or less, you will be notified by phone, but your child does not have to be removed from the center.
- In the event that the child has a fever of 101° or higher, you will be notified by phone and your child needs to be picked up as soon as possible.
- In the event that your child has a fever of 101 or more, he/she will not be allowed to return to the center for a 24-hour period.
*Child must be fever free without the use of fever reducing medicines.
- In the event that the child has one case of diarrhea, you will be notified by phone, but your child does not have to be removed from the center. He/she will be watched closely for any other symptoms. With any further cases of diarrhea or a fever of 100 or above, you will be called to pick him/her up and will not be allowed to return to the center for a 24-hour period of being symptom free.
- In the event that your child has one case of vomiting, you will be called to pick him/her up and will not be allowed to return to the center for a 24-hour period of being symptom free.
- In the event that your child has tested positive for RSV, it is the school’s policy that the child cannot return to the center for 3 to 8 days after testing positive. We will take into consideration your pediatrician’s thoughts on this, but please understand the center’s responsibility to remain steadfast in stopping the spread of the virus.
- In the event that a parent cannot be reached, the emergency contact person listed on the paperwork will be contacted. For the safety of your child, please ensure that someone is always available.
While it is our intention to allow a child to return to the center as soon as possible after being diagnosed with a more serious condition; i.e., RSV, Norovirus, Flu or Covid-19, the Director has the discretion to extend the timeframe or close a room down due to the urgency of avoiding an outbreak.
A doctor’s note is required to return to the center for many conditions including but not limited to: Strep, Flu, Roseola, Norovirus, Rotavirus, Croup, Hand, Foot & Mouth, Chicken Pox, Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye), Head Lice, Impetigo, Ringworm, Covid-19.
*AS A REMINDER: It is a state regulation to have an updated physical (a new one is needed each year) and list of immunizations in each child’s folder. Along with a yearly influenza vaccine.
Discipline Policy
19a-79-3a 8(B)
The operator shall document that the techniques used to manage child behaviors in the facility have been discussed with the child’s parent(s) prior to enrollment and reviewed as needed during the period of the child’s enrollment.
Discipline is considered a very important part of a child’s education, and it is only through proper discipline that a child is able to learn appropriate from inappropriate.
At the center, discipline is administered through positive guidance, redirection and setting clear limits. Should a child exhibit inappropriate behavior, he/she is approached by a teacher to discuss the child’s behavior. If necessary, the child is then escorted to a designated “break to calm your body” area in the classroom based on the age of the child – no longer than one minute per year. This allows the child to reflect on his/her actions before returning to the group. There is continuous supervision by staff during disciplinary action.
- There is: NO corporal punishment, including spanking
- NO cruel or severe punishment, humiliation, verbal abuse, or frightening punishment
- NO denial of food as punishment
- NO punishment for soiling, wetting, or not using the toilet
- NO physical restraints, unless such restraint is necessary to protect the health and safety of the child or other people.
Peanut Free Center
We would like to inform parents, that due to severe peanut allergies, we are requesting that families not bring in any foods that contain any peanuts or peanut butter. This means checking labels very thoroughly for any food items that claim to have been processed in the same plant or that may contain traces of peanuts. We are also asking that you and your child refrain from foods containing peanuts and /or peanut butter on the days your child/children attend the center. We take the allergies of our children very seriously and we have guaranteed our families that we are a peanut free center.
Thank you for your support and cooperation in making our center peanut free. Food allergies are on the rise. It is estimated that 6-7 million Americans have food allergies that can trigger anaphylaxis, a severe life threatening condition that can result in death if not treated immediately (Food Allergy Network). The amount of an allergen needed to cause a reaction varies for each individual. Some individuals can ingest small amounts of allergen without a reaction; other people are extremely allergic to even the minutest amount of an allergen. There is no way to predict how a reaction will develop; avoidance is the only way to prevent a reaction. People can develop a food allergy even if they have eaten that particular food before without any reaction.
In an effort to ease any confusion we have added precise details to our Allergy notice that our families signed.
- No homemade foods will be allowed in the center.
Unfortunately, even if a food does not contain peanuts, if it is prepared on surfaces or with equipment that also prepared peanut products, it is not considered peanut free in our school. If the items were baked on pans that were also used to bake products containing peanuts there may be cross contamination and the items are not safe for a nut allergic child.
- Only food in its original packaging will be permitted.
Fruit, veggies, bagels, frozen pancakes and waffles are the only exception to this rule.
- Lunch Substitutions
If your child does not like the scheduled lunch on the menu, we will be happy to substitute a cheese sandwich, sun butter & jelly sandwich or bowl of cereal.
*** All foods that come into the center must come in their original packaging so that the label may be checked by the center’s staff.
*** Dunkin Donut’s food is not allowed in the classroom.
***Hawaiian Tropic Suntan lotion contains peanuts.
I. Information
A. Biting is an age-appropriate stage of Early Childhood Development
B. There are many reasons children bite:
1. Exploration
2. Teething
3. Cause and effect
4. Attention
5. Imitation
6. Independence
7. Frustration
8. Stress
C. Biting can be an uncomfortable issue for both the parents of the
child bitten and the parents of the biter.
D. Solutions may vary depending on the nature of the child and the needs of the family and may take some time to find the right fit.
II. Precious Memories Preschool of Sandy Hollow Philosophy/Plan of Action
A. Address incident as it takes place in the classroom.
B. Upon acknowledgement of a child entering the biting phase,
the following tools are provided and made a part of their daily
routine: teething rings, chewy toys, teething biscuits, and pacifiers (with parent approval).
C. Appropriate steps shall be taken to move a child to a different classroom if necessary.
D. Our goal is to incorporate family support (meetings), provide tools and
assistance to classroom teachers and/or to seek guidance from outside agencies to work through this stage in a timely and productive manner.
E. If a child is biting repeatedly during the day and teachers/admin are not able to redirect the behavior, parents will be notified and may be asked to pick up their child from school (based on administrations discretion).